Absolute Aesthetics


Facials are a relaxing way to exfoliate and hydrate the skin, creating a bright, beautiful complexion. There are many reasons why you may request a professional facial treatment.  You may want clearer skin, may need hydration or may want to reap the anti-aging benefits of a facial. Whatever reason you have for scheduling a facial, we are prepared.

Intensifying Cleanse

Our intensifying cleansing facial treatment involves various steps that penetrate your skin deeply to remove the dirt, blackheads, whiteheads and debris that accumulates in your pores. This facial treatment gives your aesthetician a better understanding of your skin, it also helps achieve a clear, radiant complexion. This treatment begins with a deep cleanse, followed by a customized solution for your skin type, steaming, full extractions, LED light therapy and a calming and soothing mask, Immediately after treatment your skin looks cleaner, moisturized and has a beautiful glow


Dermaplaning is a treatment that rids the outermost layer of dead skin while simultaneously removing peach fuzz.
By eliminating dead skin cells that sit on the surface, the pores are less likely to be clogged. Exfoliation is an essential step of any well-rounded skincare routine. A buildup of dead skin cells can easily obstruct the pores and hair follicles, leading to breakouts. Dermaplaning removes the dead skin and vellus hairs (peach fuzz) allowing products to penetrate deeper into the dermal layer. This service is great for all skin types. There is no downtown with this facial treatment.

Acne B Gone

Acne B GONE is designed for those suffering with acne. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the pores become clogged with oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. Pores are tiny openings in your skin that release oil and sweat from your glands. These clogged pores lead to a common breakout. And when you add bacteria to that clogged pore, it triggers inflammation and infection and you get a more severe type of acne.
It usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. It affects people of all ages, but is most common in teenagers. For teenagers it gets its start when hormonal changes begin. As testosterone increases it signals the body to produce more sebum. Which means a higher rate of clogged pores.

Brightening Infusion

This facial targets issues like hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. As suggested by the name, the facial brightens up the skin and improves your complexion. The key ingredient in this facial is the infusion of vitamin C serums as well as other antioxidants and fruit enzymes on a clean and exfoliated face.

Skinwave Hydro

A SkinWave Hydro Facial is a treatment that deeply cleans the skin while gently exfoliating and hydrating it. The professional therapy helps improve various skin conditions, like acne, dryness and skin congestions. The treatment’s unique delivery system makes the facial a multi-dimensional and effective skincare treatment. During treatment impurities lodged within the pores are gently removed through an aqua delivery system that provides light exfoliation. In addition, the solutions are rich in alpha hydroxy acid, beta hydroxy acid and hyaluronic acid to further target skin conditions while rejuvenating the complexion.

Diamond Glow

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive type of facial treatment. Basically, there’s a device with a crystal or diamond tip. This device brushes off the upper layer of your skin while vacuuming anything that comes off. It works like sandpaper over the face. It’s like an elaborate physical exfoliation.

This treatment removes dead skin cells accumulated over the face. It promotes cell turnover, and collagen and elastin growth. The resurfaced skin looks healthier with less visible lines, pores, and scars. Microdermabrasion can give clean, softer, plump, and glowing skin. You need to avoid sun exposure after the treatment. You can expect a certain amount of redness after the treatment.

Carbon Laser

A Carbon Laser peel, also called Hollywood peel or charcoal peel, it’s a facial treatment combining the benefits of charcoal and laser technology. The main goal of this carbon laser peel facial is to rejuvenate the skin. This laser facial is indeed designed to reduce the signs of aging, enlarge pores, or skin damage such as acne and scars. It creates a softer, glowing appearance that will have you red carpet ready in no time!


A micro-needling facial is inflicting controlled wounds into the skin through tiny needles. This is an invasive treatment that requires numbing cream to avoid pain.
Microneedling promotes cell turnover and collagen growth by creating tiny muscle tears. These microscopic injuries cause your skin to switch to an urgent healing mode. And this results in healthier skin.
It’s a very popular anti-aging facial treatment to tighten the skin and get rid of lines.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP

Also known as the vampire facial, PRP refers to platelet-rich plasma facial. In this facial, your specialist draws your blood and puts it through a special machine to create what is called platelet-rich plasma. This highly concentrated form of proteins is infused into your skin through micro-needling. The growth factor in the plasma helps with collagen growth.
The vampire facial is perfect for tightening the skin and reducing the signs of aging.

Triple Step Oxygen Facial

An triple step oxygen facial includes the use of a device that sprays out oxygen in a highly pressured form. After exfoliation and cleansing, your aesthetician applies several vitamin-rich serums to your skin. That’s where the device comes in. It feeds and nourishes the skin by infusing these antioxidants into it.

The Triple Step Oxygen facial is suitable for all skin types. It’s perfect for hydrating and brightening the skin. People with dull and tired-looking skin can find this facial highly beneficial.

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